
Company data according to ECG, UGB, GewO, MedG, TKG, DSG

Kurzzeitwohnen GmbH
Linzer Bundesstraße 27A
5023 Salzburg

Tel: +43 - (0) 662 - 660 132
Fax: +43 - (0) 662 - 660 132 - 4


FN: 402252 y
UID: ATU68127868

Managing Director: Mag. (FH) Herbert Maier

Mag. (FH) Herbert Maier

Site contents:
Presentation of objects that can be requested and rented from the respective owners. 

Commercial licence: Real Estate Agent

Supervising authority: Gewerbebehörde Magistrat Salzburg

Member of Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg, Sparte Information & Consulting,
Fachverband der Immobilien- und Vermögenstreuhänder: Link zum Eintrag auf

Place of juristiction: Salzburg Stadt

Anwendbare berufsrechtliche Vorschriften sind insbesonders: Gewerbeordnung, Maklergesetz, Immobilienmaklerverordnung
Abrufbar im Österreichischen Rechts.Informations.System:


Data privacy: Details to our data pivacy guidelines: Datenschutzerklärung.


Layout, design of the portal as well as the contained information are under copyright reserved.

The copyright law concerns as well the material of third parties used or copied on this site to gain information.

All information is subject to change. The liability for damage through public usage of displayed information is excluded.

Link to the EU-Commission's Online Dispute Resolution service:

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For more information: Data privacy statement


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